Monday, April 6, 2009

I LOVE U, My Friends!!

Today is the 6th of April, 2009 And now is 3.00pm.
I am now staying at TI school studying for my final.

It is all of the sudden that i feel like writing something on my blog and this will be my second post in english so Leong, dun say u do not understand o!! Then, here goes my post:

Sometime, i will think about this: Is the word "love" can only be spoken by the couples?
And my answer is "no".

I can say "I love my family"!
I can say "I love my job"! and definitely I can say

"I love my friends!"

This post is not going to be my point of view on things that happened in my life.
This post is simply to express my love and my care to all my friends
Dun ask me why i post this on my blog or why suddenly i wan say "i love u" to my friends.
It's just get into my mind and i wan to speak it out!!

So, to all my friends that are listed below, hereby i sincerely announce that, I LOVE YOU...
( the seqeunces doesnt mean anything...)

I love you, Carrie, Chee wei, Yee Lin, Shin Hui, Shane Goh, Her Yeun, Yi Siang, Eng Hee, Lip Wei, Zhi Hui, Chien Loong, Ing Yin, Kee Huat, Kian Yee, Terrance, Lily, Christopher Ng, Lip Heng, Wei Juin, Leong, Joo Hao, Kit, Ah Song, Pek Wan, Jing Jing, Sue Ting, Yu Keng, Bear, Kummari, Wen Ding, Eugene, Ze-ze, Derrick, Yin Mun, Yin San, Michelle, Phaik Ju, Jackie,YenWern, Hui Teng, Hui Ngoh, Pei Chin, Elaine, Tze Sing, Lean Ping, Mun Shin, Seong Chuan, Kean Choon, To Chuan, Ling San, Poh Kei, Christopher Thomas, Nambee, Hanie, Inji, Rela, Rita,Maria, Ben.....

I love u all because each and everyone of u had offered me happiness and joy through the time we spent together.

I love u all because of who u are, no matter it's good or bad, make me angry or not, coz at least u are being urself when dealing with me.

I love u all because whenever u all are around, i never feel empty or loneliness, and it always motivate me to looking forward to our next gathering.

The tease u gave to me, the laughter u shared with me, the moment u spent with me and the tears u dropped infront of me....

I might forget some of them right now but trust me, whenever i remember them in the future, i will smile with a big curve on face, being grateful to have u in my life...

So, to my friends, I love u.

p/s: For those who are not in my list, it's not that i had forgotten u.. I jus nid sometime to remember, maybe somedays in the future, ur name will be in the list of my loving friends.

Saturday, April 4, 2009





身体上的接触有很多种。初次见面,大多数先来个握手。见了个三四次, 大家就用不同的身体接触来打招呼,例如击掌,拍肩膀及“哟哟哟!”之类的,款式非常多。接下来, 当彼此的感觉对了,感情升华成男女之间的爱情时,就会有牵手,拥抱及接吻等等的接触。这一些种种的身体接触,都可以用来提升或维持人与人之间的关系。



一直到初中五年尾时,我得到一个久违了的拥抱。那时刚考完spm,我得到一个offer,可以到美国去留学半年。要出发到kl机场之前,我到伯伯的茶餐室去向所有的亲戚道别。 我的姑妈给了我一个拥抱。我有点受宠若惊,因为那是我隔了那么多年后的一个拥抱。有点儿尴尬,但我没有拒绝。姑妈给的拥抱让我心中有一股莫名的暖意,要到美国去的不安,顿时降到最低了。











Thursday, April 2, 2009


3月26日的晚上,经过一轮的淘汰赛后,我被选为TI CLUB 的秘书了。 哇!讲得好象很了不起一样,其实那只不过是一场事先安排,又需要观众协助的一场舞台剧罢了。

当天晚上一开始就摆自己上台,当个临时秘书,心想既然想得到这个post就豁出去吧。选主席时,因为某些原因,是出了点小意外,所以我们 TI CLUB 的 “头头” 是一位 “异族长辈”。(haha! 不想写得太白,免得有是非意外。)无论如何,整个 TI CLUB 委员会已出来了,接下来,不管里面的人是如何,都必须做好自己的本分,希望 TI CLUB 未来的一年有好的发展。希望啦!

有一次, mashimaro问我,为何要竞选秘书一职? 我才要回答,另一位小姐, 名为“傻笑”就抢先回答了。 “他做惯 leader的是这样的啦!”。 这一句, 我。。。。赞同。(不想说虚伪的话,所以考虑一下下才写出来)。对的!那位老二姐的话我无法否认。当要做秘书的念头出来时,我也不知道为什么,只是单纯的想要做点东西。简称 “拿苦来辛” or “不甘寂寞”。 难道我不知道秘书一职很多琐碎事要烦吗?(无需大老大提醒!)想着想着,对自己想要秘书一职得到了几个结论:

1. 想要闯一闯、试一试来gain experience。 (官方回答!)
2. 想被人家称为SU听起来很爽。 (哈哈哈,这句是真的!)
3. 想认识多一点人,尤其是seniors来扩大社交圈子 (为以后着想啊!)

但,最重要的是,我想寻回自己遗失了许久的一个quality。我被放任了几年,慢慢地忘记leadership是一个怎样的感觉。成日疯疯颠颠,嘻嘻哈哈地,实在不是办法!所以我想要得到SU一职,一方面想要从新培养我的leadership,另一方面是想要displin up 自己。不知道我做到没有 le?
